Abdul Qaium
Abdul Qaium is a graphic designer specialising in branding and advertisement for products and services. He particularly enjoys creating content focusing on brand identity, social media development and assisting brands to refine their look using photography and new concepts ensuring they are provided with quality designs for their unique brand.
Project: My Type of Place
Identify a location and produce a site-specific typographic intervention that positively communicates the virtues of that place. Use typography to brighten up a place or lift the spirits of residents, workers or visitors.

Project: Editorial Beyond the Page
Use augmented reality to bring a design manifesto to life.
Design a printed double page spread featuring Dieter Rams’s Manifesto, Ten principles of good design. Use AR to bring the content to life in order to make the information more dynamic and illustrate the themes of the manifesto or show new ways of linking the manifesto to contemporary design discourse using the Artivive platform to host the project.

Project: A Brief History of Nearly Everything Book Cover
Client: Penguin Student Design Award
Penguin were looking for a cover design that was smart but accessible, they also made it clear it should not look like a textbook you read at school. This is a science book with popular appeal, the cover should feel timeless, confident and appeal to a whole new generation of readers.