Hollie Round
Hollie Round is a graphic designer that focuses on creating design that will be utilized and celebrated in many years to come. She strives to produce work that will leave an everlasting impact on the world. She enjoys working within print based, editorial and branding sectors and has recently found new passions within producing app design.
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Final Major Project: I'mPOSSIBLE
Provide a platform for the younger generation of graphic designers to turn to when making the important decision of what subjects to choose for their studies.
The Design Museum in 2018 stated that ‘only 22% of those working in occupations associated with design were women’. Statistics reflect that arguably this imbalance derives from the beginning of the creatives journey – the classroom. The young females are not only being taught by primarily by males, but they also have no support when deciding if the career path is right for them. To resolve this, I produced a platform/movement for the creatives to turn to for support from female role models within the design industry.

Project: Editorial Beyond the Page
Use augmented reality to bring a design manifesto to life.
‘Fuck Committees’ was written by Tibor Kalman, a Hungarian graphic designer known for his loud style and often referred to as the ‘bad boy’ of graphic design. I used inspiration from Kalman’s work which mostly comprised of reds and bold typography. For the AR layer, I used a line from the manifesto that reads ‘Find the cracks in the wall’ and took it quite literally to produce a wall that only reveals certain words of importance throughout the body of text.

Project: Goodnight Mr Tom Book Cover
Client: Penguin Student Design Award
Goodnight Mister Tom, based in WWII, is a story of an old man and a young boy who became great friends after he was evacuated to the countryside. To illustrate the close bond I used inspiration from a moment in the story when Mister Tom and William step into the house from the rain. Mister Tom notices that William’s shoes are wet, and says ‘Well you’re soaked through’, pointing out the young boy’s soaked shoes.

Project: My Type of Place
Identify a location and produce a site- specific typographic intervention that positively communicates the virtues of that place.
Venezuela is run by a dictatorship and is going through a crisis that has collapsed the country. To encourage the people of Venezuela to carry on their fight, I produced a series of murals and used words such as ‘Hogar’ (Home), ‘Orgullo’ (Pride) and ‘Bondad’ (Caring) to remind them of what they are fighting for. The citizens will create these murals using luminescence paint that will glow at night, not only to provide light due to the lack of electricity, but to also be a constant reminder of home.