Zoe Thomas
As a graphic designer I thoroughly enjoy working on a large range of briefs, in particular, branding and packaging and print. I enjoy being able to physically see and hold graphic design in a print format, as it makes a change from a lot of the new and evolving digital and online briefs which you view behind a screen. I endeavour to produce high quality work which goes beyond the brief in order to successfully meet and succeed a client’s expectations. The ever-evolving field of design, and the technology used to create it, makes it an extremely exciting time to become a graphic designer. It has created new sectors, new software and a greater field in which to experiment, learn and educate myself to be able to create a diverse and extensive range of designs.
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Final Major Project: Book, Dementia support
Approximately 50,000 people have dementia worldwide, and it can cause families hardships, upset, heartaches and stress. It effects not only the person with dementia but their families and friends also. The concept of the book was to be able to explain dementia and help provide support by offering advice and presenting dementia in a different light. Through photographic manipulation and illustrations, dementia has come to life and can hopefully give families who have someone they love struggling with dementia some support and understanding.

Project: Editorial Beyond the Page
Use Augmented Reality to bring a design manifesto to life.
A simplistic and functional approach was taken to ensure that Deiter Rams’ design style was implemented within the double page spread presenting his design manifesto. From the 10 key elements of making ‘good design’ discussed within the manifesto, the statement ‘good design is honest’ caught my attention. Are there good designs that are dishonest? Commercial advertisements are used to manipulate and persuade consumers, therefore is that being honest? Through AR, this was point was highlighted, with lies being hidden behind the honesty in a literal sense.

Project: Goodnight Mr Tom Book Cover
Client: Penguin Student Design Award
In response to the Children’s Goodnight Mister Tom brief for penguin, a contemporary and modern style was executed. Working with the visual connotations of the main character William Beech and the theme of his friendships, an illustration-based blackberry design was able to help present this. The blackberry represents the first time his character felt as though he had a group of friends. This illustration style continued on the back cover when creating fighter planes from World War II, which flew over within the book, and allowing readers to understand the settings and time period of the book.

Project: D&AD New Blood Awards: GiffGaff
We built a campaign promoting the use of 5G to a community of our choice, ‘young carers’. The young carers community, although known, isn’t spoken about or given a platform to express their struggles. After speaking to a young carer, we established these hardships they go through daily, such as feeling isolated. We developed an event called “giffback fest” to give back to these young people. Giffback fest would allow young carers to come together as a community and be labelled our giffgaff legends, appreciating what they do. The event would promote how their primary carer needs as well as their own needs can benefit from giffgaff’s 5G and will run alongside our social media campaign as well as our app extension and care package.