Jordan Smith
Jordan Smith is a Graphic Designer whose main aspiration in life is to be happy. He believes that worries are unnecessary, and that positivity is the way forward. Enjoying a variety of aspects within design, from film and sound editing, 3D space modelling and even as simple as page layout – there is nothing that he won’t give his absolute best on.
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Final Major Project: III
A theoretical hypothesise on life after a post-apocalyptic event, such as a third world war, from a single survivors perspective. Our final work for the year was very open and we were able to do almost anything we wanted. I intended for my final product to be a 30cmx30cm book simply entitled ‘III’ (pronounced ‘three’). The book needed an immersive story to be told through little writing and unique imagery.

Project: My Type of Place
Identify a location and produce a site- specific typographic intervention that positively communicates the virtues of that place.
I chose Glasgow, specifically Glasgow Green as I am half Scottish and wanted to celebrate that side of my heritage. My intent was to create something permanent, like a monument or statue. I also wanted to draw attention to an aspect of Glasgow I often believe gets forgotten, it's coat of arms, consisting of; a tree, a bird, a bell and a fish.

Project: Editorial Beyond the Page
Use augmented reality to bring a design manifesto to life.
I chose the manifesto ‘First Things First’ by designer Ken Garland. As the manifesto is essentially pleading that designers work for the right reasons, i.e designing for the future or for the good of man, and not to become a sell-out for the latest product. My concept would be somewhat angry, but self-aware. I did not want it to come across as aggressive and condescending but rather to assume the reader understands and is encouraged and motivated by the message. By using the Artivive app, you are able to view a hidden AR layer.

Project: A Short History of Nearly
Everything Book Cover
Client: Penguin Student Design Award
Use augmented reality to bring a design manifesto to life.
My concept was to find a way to include ‘everything’ within my design. To do this, I believed that I needed an image that could symbolise the universe and everything within it, from the smallest atom, to the largest galaxy. My approach was simplification. As this task could be seen as complex, I knew the only reasonable step and style to take, was the simple one. The icons I have chosen have been used for a reason, the Atom is used to represent matter, the sperm (partnered with the Atom also symbolising an egg) represents life, and the specs used in the background represent: atoms, bacteria and distant stars.