Yodi Geernaert
Yodi Geernaert is a graphic designer and Illustrator from The Netherlands. Her specialty areas are editorial and layout design, as well as illustrations and textile print design. Choosing colour combinations to elevate the experience and connection to the subject, plays an important role in her work.
+31 631 249 238
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Final Major Project: Beyond Stereotypes
For my FMP I wanted to make a project of social value, without making it a heavy campaign, trying to change someone’s opinion. In my project, 8 people tell their stories about their journeys in finding themselves, or share their view on the importance of self-expression. This book is celebrating everyone’s differences, showing that we can go beyond stereotypes and inspire others to feel more confident in their own skin.

Project: Editorial Beyond the Page
Use Augmented Reality to bring a design manifesto to life.
The Editorial Beyond the Page, manifesto by Tibor Kalman: Fuck Committees. The two statements I extracted from the manifesto “I believe in Lunatics” and “Thought-free, passion-free, cultural mush” were two strong concepts by Kalman that I felt needed to be pulled out and given more attention. The desire to completely break out of the commercial mould, might be seen as a decision for a “lunatic”, against the “thought-free, passion-free, cultural mush” that we keep creating to please the client and keep earning money, displays something we should think about.
Project: Goodnight Mr Tom Book Cover
Client: Penguin Student Design Award
For this Book cover I wanted to capture the growth in the hearts of the two main characters, by showing the hallway of their shared home. A lot of heavy, negative things happen in the book. Mister Tom becomes a fatherly figure to him and William starts to grow, emotionally and physically. On the book cover I took the detail of the coat rack and using the colour blue as the main color, as that was Mister Tom’s wife’s last paint colour he bought.