Evelina Ulickaite
Evelina Ulickaite is a graphic designer who brings innovative ideas to life across experiential, print and digital designs. She enjoys creating experiential graphic design that transforms the understanding and generates lasting impact in people's lives. She believes that elevated experiences can inspire positive transformations for communities, individuals and organisations.
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Final Major Project: Critial Intelligence
Design immersive experience learning platform which could create positive change for future generations
Critical Intelligence - Natural disasters preparedness training mobile app with available AR & VR experiences. This app aims to provide the communities educational platform with an innovative and interactive tool for learning risk management, control fear and panic by knowing what to do.

Project: My Type of Place
Identify a location and produce a site-specific typographic intervention that positively communicates the virtues of that place.
A bus stop has been created to encourage people to use buses for travel around Snowdonia instead of cars. The name of the bus stop is based on the legend of a giant Idris Gawr, a king of Meirionnydd in early medieval Wales. Legends say he was so large that he could sit on the summit of Cadair Idris, a Welsh mountain, and survey his whole kingdom.

Project: A Short History of Nearly Everything Book Cover
Client: Penguin Student Design Award
Bill Bryson writes about science for people who never thought they could be interested in science. Strong use of typography has been chosen to create a striking book cover, which has been modified to stand out in the market from other science books. The background contains lines connected with dots, which represent atoms, also how all things are connected in this universe.

Project: Editorial Beyond the Page
Use augmented reality to bring a design manifesto to life
Milton Glaser in his manifesto said “Brain is more like an overgrown garden that is constantly growing and throwing off seeds, regenerating and so on.” This inspired me to draw illustrations which would show faceless humans, however depending on what plant is replaced with their head it would stand for the meaning of the paragraph.